Patting the drum-hide of the night

“In the village in the village in the village
life repeats itself, life repeats itself.
There is sunlight; there is darkness. The dark
repeats itself, the light repeats itself;
planting repeats itself, harvest repeats
itself. Yet life is never dull. It pats
the drum-hide of the night and is satisfied.
It listens for footfalls when the dogs bark
in the village in the village in the village”

– Andrew Oerke

(excerpt from the original poem)

Apart from the music of the repeated words “in the village” suggesting how life repeats itself in the village, I like the simple beauty of the image :

it pats the drum-hide of the night and is satisfied/
It listens for the footfalls when the dogs bark..

It is these unique sounds which define the character of life in a village where everything gets iterated and re-iterated.The days and the nights ,births and deaths,the planting and the harvest-in all of which there is a rhythm just like the drum-beats one hears at midnight in the stillness of the village night.